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Here are some links to learn more about Astronomy and Ventriloquism!

The Opportunity Rover was active on Mars for over 14 years!

Great job Opportunity, you will be missed!
The James Webb Space Telescope is amazing! I woke up early for the day of its launch and it did not disappoint!
The Amateur Astronomers Assocation organizes telescope viewings in NYC. A must see!
The Rose Center for Earth and Space is home to the Hayden Planetarium and one of my favorite places on planet Earth!
The Custer Observatory is terrific! It's far from my home but we made a special trip.
Maher Studios is the gold standard resource for the Ventriloquism world!
Throw Things is a great source for a starter vent figure. They convert the basic kid toy into a figure with a full fledged stick and movable head! That's where I got my first Danny O'Day!